A Quick Backstage Moment With Bush’s Gavin Rossdale – Meltdown
As some of you may know, I broadcasted live at the Tree Top Lounge at Pine Knob for yesterday’s show. Gavin Rossdale was nice enough to swing by my location as I took to the air at 3 p.m. He even brought his little dog, Chewy, along with him. He told me that he’d recused the little guy several years back and that he was nine years old.
We chatted on the air for a few minutes about the upcoming album, Detroit crowds (which he’s told me about before) and the Woodstock ’99 documentary. But it’s what happened after the interview that I want to write about briefly.
As we wrapped up and he signed a guitar for us, his tour manager, Yvette, asked me what the quickest way to backstage was. I told her to follow me and I took her, Gavin and his pooch and friend, towards a back stairway to walk the wooded road to backstage. It was then that one of the female bartenders (who will remain nameless) worked her way in front of Gavin and asked him if she could get a hug. In a world of selfies, autographs and the like, this moment was different. It was someone just wanting to share a moment with someone she admired, and maybe had the hots for, I don’t know. Gavin responded, “of course,” and hugged her. This all happened in the blink of a eye, but it was moving in a very real way.
I stayed for the entire concert, but that thought was in the back of my mind all night. It was just a quick moment between two people, and she’ll have a story she can tell the rest of her life. And, by the way, this kind of thing doesn’t happen at every live broadcast I do…..and no one hugs me! LOL