Nirvana Cover Earns Puddle of Mudd the Meme Treatment
Months ago Puddle of Mudd did a live appearance for a radio station and brought their acoustic guitars along to play a few songs, like you do. No one thought much of it until this past week when online meme-poster Catatonic Youths made an edit of their cover of Nirvana’s About A Girl and brought to everyone’s attention just how rediculously hard Wes Scantlin need to reach vocally to make things sound as close to the original as possible.
Puddle of Mudd actually did a really good job back in 2011 with an entire album of covers called Re:(disc)overed, but for the moment folks are going to be remembering this cover for all the wrong reasons. I went from “Wow, he sounds really close to Cobain.” to “Why does he keep making that face?” by the end of the edit myself and it reminded me of this classic featuring the Macho Man Randy Savage.