Red Dead Online Sees a Protest of Clowns Taking Over Servers
A major part of current gaming, especially online gaming is the constant tweaking of the game through patches and updates. Call of Duty Warzone players are used to a new update almost weekly but most games don’t go that hard. Red Dead Online, the multiplayer component of Red Dead Redemption 2 last saw an update in December of 2019 and players growing tired of the same old game have decided to stage a protest by dressing their character up as a clown while they play. Youtube user OnlyPVPCat has documented the tomfoolery in the 11 minute video below.
We talked about this near the end of the latest Nerdradio podcast and while it remains to be seen if it has the desired effect of getting Rockstar Games to pay attention to the old west open world game, it at least proves there are still a lot of people enjoying the game.