What you Should Be Reading – House of X/Powers of X
2019 had highs and lows for what was once Marvel Comics’ biggest brand, The Uncanny X-Men. While we got a dismal fizzle on the movie side with Dark Pheonix, on the comic book side plans were being hatched by writer Jonathon Hickman to return the mutants to prominence. Midway into summer fans got their first look at the future for Wolverine, Professor Xavier and the lot when the twin 6 issue mini series House of X and Powers of X(Ten) released new issues every other week for 3 months. This week the Hardcover collection of all 12 issues hits stores and it comes with my highest possible recommendation.
In many ways everything feels turned upside down as you work through this twelve chapter kick off to what Marvel is calling the Dawn of X. A long time ally reveals a game changing new power, Professor X has taken his school from Westchester, New York to The Island That Walks Like A Man, Krakoa. The same Krakoa that attempted to eat the X-Men way back in Giant Size X-men #1. While the X-Men have been notoriously hard to kill over the decades, now there’s an in-universe reason for their immortality. Long lost faces return, villains become allies, and a new nation is formed in a story that gives us a look into the past, present and future of Marvel’s mutants.
With the holidays right around the corner this hardcover is coming out at the perfect time. If you’re a lapsed fan or new to comics, there’s no better time to check out the X-men. I’ve been an X-Fan for almost 30 years and they haven’t been this interesting or relevant in a long time. This is the perfect opportunity to get in on the ground floor of what should be one of the most interesting series of comics coming out in 2020.
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