Motor City Riffs Playlist 02/25/2024
Another show featuring some of the best up and coming bands from Metro Detroit on Motor City Riffs! It was a great playlist, and Nate picked from the best of many submissions we received over the week! Motor City Riffs is a weekly program that we play on 101 WRIF!
Don’t forget to tune in every Sunday from 9-10pm on 101 WRIF to catch Motor City Riffs. We love supporting our local bands.
Motor City Riffs On 101 WRIF
Are you in a local band? Would you like to have your local band’s music played on the radio? Better yet, on The WRIF? Send us your stuff and include an MP3 of one of your songs that you’d like to be played! Send that MP3 to!
All we ask in return is that your music is radio friendly. Just make sure to take the time to edit or censor any swearing out of your music before you send it over. If it swears, it will not be played.
If you missed last week’s show don’t worry! Check out the playlist from February 25th below! Thanks for rocking with The Riff!
Motor City Riffs Playlist 02/25/2024
Upon Wings – Broken Wings
Rachelle Rae – Guy Thing & I Love The Burn
Stormstress – Faithfully
Rob Fillo – Insane
Madison Galloway – Love Like Yours
Andy Dubitski – Toy Chest Boogie
Browno – In Search for a New Mankind
Mac Saturn Mint Julep & Young in Paradise –
Closer to Zer0 – Nothing Left To Fear & Sober
Motor City Riffs
Don’t forget! We’d like to hear your stuff and play it on the radio! However, we can’t play it if we don’t have it! Send an MP3 to!
Please, make sure it’s clean and radio friendly! If it’s not, it can’t be played.