Why Is Scarlett Johansson Urging The Government To Limit A.I.?
Why is Scarlett Johansson urging the government to limit A.I.? We promise it has nothing to do with Chuck!
Chuck The Freak is an innocent man here and is not involved in anyway with this matter despite his love and admiration for Ms. Johansson. Scarlett Johansson is now speaking out following a viral video appearing to show her opposing Kanye West; however, it’s not her ad it’s not real. It’s an A.I. created video and it’s duped many people online because it looks incredibly real. A.I. can be very useful and can help you complete many different tasks and can make our lives easier in many ways. However, as we’re starting to see there are also many ways that it can be problematic and a major issue. I know I wouldn’t want a video out there of me doing something that wasn’t actually me. That would be crazy! Check out the fake video that went viral below. Would you have been able to tell that it was created by artificial intelligence?
Scarlett Johansson Calls For Government To Limit A.I.
The video appears to feature Johansson and other Jewish celebrities including Jerry Seinfeld, Steven Spielberg, Mark Zuckerberg, Drake, Jack Black, Mila Kunis, Lenny Kravitz, and Adam Sandler but again–it’s not actually them. The video ends with a message saying “Enough is Enough” and “Join the Fight Against Antisemitism.” In a statement to People, she denounced the “misuse of A.I., no matter what its messaging.” She’s calling it out even though she agrees with the messaging it’s important that people don’t believe that it’s actually her in the video because deep fakes like this can eventually be harmful. It’s good to call it out when you see it regardless of whether or not you agree with the messaging behind the video.
You can see what she had to say about the issue in a Tweet, or X post, shared by @Variety below.