Mugshots Of The Day: Colorado Carjackers Lead Police On Chase
The Colorado carjackers who led police on a wild chase are the subject of the Mugshots Of The Day. Yes, more than one this time!
You might be familiar with the Mugshot Of The Day on Dave & Chuck “The Freak.” Every so often, we’ll share a story about someone who committed a crime and the mugshot is more noteworthy than the story of the crime itself. Perhaps it’s equally as crazy as the story. This time around is a bit different. It’s not simply one mugshot. It’s a pair of mugshots this time because one wasn’t enough. Both of the subjects are not looking their best in these mugshots, that’s safe to say.
Colorado Carjackers Lead Police On Wild Chase
Sometimes with the Mugshot Of The Day, we’ll find a criminal who’s older and maybe not thinking right. Again, this time is different. It’s not an old man nor an old woman who committed the crime–it was a pair of teens. These Colorado carjackers reportedly led police on a wild chase that ended in a ball of fire–and these mugshots are just as hot. Well, hot meaning popular and talked about. Not attractive.
According to The New York Post, police arrested 19-year-old Michael Howell-McGlynn and 19-year-old Kristine Elisabeth Romero after pulling them from the burning wreck of a 2015 Subaru Forester, which was previously reported as stolen during an armed carjacking.
It sounds like the vehicle was spotted idling in Berthoud parking lot just after 4am and when law enforcement tried to stop the vehicle at an intersection the teens sped off. The New York Post reports they reached speeds in excess of 100 miles per hour with police in hot pursuit. Eventually, cops were able to ram their vehicle in an attempt to stop them and that’s when the Subaru hit a curb and then landed on a nearby tree and burst into flames. Officers were able to safely pull the 2 people out of the burning car along with a rifle. They were both taken to the hospital and treated for injuries and were later released and booked at the Larimer County Jail.
You can tell it was quite the wreck by looking at their mugshots. His face is wrapped in bandages and she has a bloody lip. They look like they have been through it and don’t look like they’re having a good time. You can see their mugshots provided by the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office below.

Howell-McGlynn was driving the stolen car and was charged with reckless driving, obstructing an officer, and vehicular eluding resulting in bodily injury to another. Romero was booked for conspiracy to commit a class 4 felony–reserved for crimes of violence or extraordinary risk of harm–and for an outstanding warrant, per The New York Post.