“The Popcorn Guy” is the Movie Theater Concession Stand Employee of Your Dreams!
If only all workers at your local movie theater concession stand had the same style and grace as this guy when applying butter to popcorn!
An employee at a Cinemark Movie Theater in Texas went viral for his incredible technique to apply in what appears to be effortless movements! This was the first the first TikTok post that started to take off of “The Popcorn Guy”
@oanderle This was totaly awesome! 😃 #oanderle #popcornguy #movie #cctx #thepopcornguy #popcorn #avatar2 #corpuschristitx #corpuschristi
♬ Jason Grosboll Viral Butter Popcorn Guy Oanderle - 💚 King of Hearts 🖤
This is the original video taken without all the special effects. It’s just as magical!
@oanderle Replying to @oanderle The original video of the Popcorn Guy with no special effects #popcornguy #thepopcornguy #popcorn #movie #oanderle #movie #avatar2 #viral #trending #original #popular #ReasonForBooking #myhero #notallheroswearcapes #butter #butterlovers #Cinemark #rawfootage #rawvideo #noeffects #nofilters #unstoppable #epic #butterbae #butterking #buttergod #popcornking #butteryesplease #bluelovebutterflies #dankvisionz #perspective
♬ Unstoppable (I put my armor on, show you how strong I am) - Sia