I’ve only had the privilege to meet the ‘Magic Man’ once. It was back on December, 10 2011. Every year, I make a Christmas card with a different celebrity, or celebrities on it. When Nick Lidstrom lived here, I’d always send him one. He’s one of the few people who’d text me to say he liked the card, or whatever. That year, I asked him if he’d be nice enough to be on the card. Of course, he said “Yes”. We decided that I’d come to a game and then meet him afterwards to have my friend, Dave Reginek (the Wings’ team photographer) take the photo.

Nick and me. Photo credit: Dave Reginek

The finished Christmas Card.
Hoping your holidays are filed with silver and gold.
From, two guys who are going to the Hall Of Fame, but one’s going to need a ticket.
One of my favorite cards I’ve sent out.
After the game, I went back into the locker room at the Joe. As I was there waiting for Nick, Dave introduces me to the one and only, Pavel Datysuk. As with many a hockey fan, I loved watching him play! So much so, I’d often pause the TV to show my wife what absurd move #13 just pulled. She could care less, but always came into the living room anyways.
Alright, back to the story. Pavel is standing in the locker room next to me in his underclothes he’d wear beneath his hockey stuff, just milling about waiting to shower and head out. As we’re standing there in this awkward silence, I said to him, half goofing “You should listen to my radio show. I’m on Monday through Friday between 3 and 7pm, on 101.1”. Without missing a beat, he looks at me deadpan, and says, in perfect English “I don’t speak English” with a slight grin. I recalled laughing, but I’m not sure what happened after that….LOL What a great experience meeting him. Thanks Dave!
Check out some pictures Dave took of one of the greatest to ever play.