Old Lady’s Head Run Over
An Old Lady’s Head Was Run Over on Daytona Beach
I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Sometimes the story we cover, isn’t the actual story. There can be something going on in a news report that takes our attention and needs to be discussed more than anything. Today, it was a story about a woman who was run over at Daytona Beach but there was so much going on in the background, we were rerouted.
According to WESH, “A 71-year-old beachgoer from New York was injured Wednesday after she was hit by a vehicle pulling out of a parking spot in Daytona Beach, the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office said. The incident was reported around 2:43 p.m. near the Silver Beach Avenue beach ramp, VSO said.”
While watching the news report we were distracted first by the cars on the beach. It appears you can drive on the beach there and set up your chairs right next to your car. So, realizing all that, the fact someone was run over makes more sense.
Then, we see an older woman in the background of the reporter’s shot just chilling in her lounger. She had some noticeable features and her bikini wasn’t hiding any of them. We paused for a minute to discuss.
Again, while watching the story we saw a woman cross the street in a bikini and it wasn’t the most flattering shot of someone. Andy talks about how he has a fear of being stock footage in a obesity story or something along those lines. Chuck agrees and think that the news his hoping to see someone like them snacking during the B-roll shots.
So, after all that, Lisa realizes she doesn’t even know if they original woman who was hit is okay. It turns out, she is okay somehow. It appears you can have your head run over by a car and survive.
Just another day on the show.