Plus Sized Model Sues Tyreek Hill
A Plus Sized Model Has Sued Tyreek Hill Over Alleged Injury
We talk about OnlyFans model on the show pretty often. We don’t usually discuss OnlyFan models suing big NFL stars. Well, today is the today. An OnlyFans model named Sophie Hall has sued Tyreek Hill over an apparent injury, which took place during a football drill.
According to Daily Mail, The plus-sized OnlyFans model suing Tyreek Hill for ‘breaking her leg’ in a backyard football drill has admitted she had sex with him just hours afterwards. Sophie Hall, 35, claims Hill flew into a rage and charged at her with ‘crushing force’ after she knocked him off balance and embarrassed him in front of his family and trainer. The alleged hit sent Hall sprawling to the ground in pain and she later needed surgery for a fractured right leg, according to her complaint, which alleges assault, battery and negligence.”
We were curious why Tyreek Hill was using a plus size model to practice, but we did learn later that they had sex. So, not sure it was just football practice he was after. We were trying to figure out what actually took place on that day. She broke her leg and then they had sex?
Jason shares that he has something in common with Tyreek Hill. He’s shared before that he isn’t going to shy away from a bigger lady, which is in opposition to some other show members feelings. Then, while looking at pictures of the model and discussing what took place at the football drill, we dig a little deeper into smaller guy’s who like big girls. Do all small guys like to be smothered by big girls? Andy and Chuck think so. Jason doesn’t agree.
We aren’t sure what is going to transpire in the lawsuit and we will keep tabs on it so we can provide an update in the future.