The best films often generate hype by featuring amazing movie trailers. Movies are one of the best ways to pass the time. Americans spend over 6 billion dollars per year going to the movies. Obviously, that’s as a whole and not per person. This figure is only a small representation of how big the movie industry is here in the states. The world of streaming has done it’s best to cut into the movie theater industry, but movie theaters are seeing a resurgence since 2020’s covid setback everything that relied on in-person engagement.
When movie theaters saw that decline, that’s when the streaming boom took place. After the Covid-19 outbreak shut down most of the world for a period of time, the world of streaming became such a huge part of American culture. The Office saw a resurgence of epic proportions. People were stressed, panicked and depressively watching TV shows and movies like never before.
During that time, it seemed like people watched whatever the streaming giants gave them. But before streaming took off and even now, the quality of the content is as important as ever. One thing that Hollywood has always excelled at is selling a movie. Even if the show or movie wasn’t well received by fans, Hollywood always does a good job of making a great Movie trailer that sells it well.

What Makes Good Movie Trailers?
What makes the best movie trailer is a bit of a complex mystery. There’s a lot that goes into making a riveting trailer, it’s got to have the right hook, action or drama depending on what film/series is about, and of course there’s got to be some type of twist or hint at a big reveal. Especially in sequels, there has to be something uniquely different about this movie that should make people want to find out more!
Of course, the music is key too! Having the right music embedded in a trailer can make or break the entire trailer. The music sets the pace, allows for key editing points, and if it’s done correctly, invokes the emotions the writers and directors want you to feel! Let’s discuss what movie trailers are the best of the best.

Which movie trailers checkoff all the right boxes? Emotion, passion, editing genius, the big reveal and overall creativity all are a factor. I’m also throwing in an additional factor in, did the trailer do better than the movie? I’m only including the trailers that didn’t hype up a movie, only for the movie to fall flat on its face and be a disappointment! Here are the good trailers that the movie actually delivered on as well! For some good movies from the Godzilla universe, check them out here!