Nun Man
We Talk About A Nun Man From The Dominican Republic
We guarantee that you’d never heard of a Nun Man. I mean, maybe you have seen more than we have but, this was something we’ve never heard of before. This was by far the craziest story of the day and maybe the year so far. How did a man live for 22 years as a nun in the Dominican Republic? Well, keep reading or watch!
According to Oddity Central, “Frank Tavares was born a man in the Dominican Republic, but for 22 years of his life, he lived as Sister Margarita in two different convents, posing as one of the nuns there without anyone suspecting anything. The unusual story of “nun-man”, as Frank came to be known following his shocking reveal, began when he was only four years old. He and his family were involved in a serious car accident that claimed the lives of his parents. His grandparents were too poor and ill-equipped to deal with a child, so he was placed in the care of nuns at a Dominican convent. Tavares recalls that, as a young boy, his genitals were so small that even he had trouble finding them, which is probably why he was raised as a girl at the convent. He wore girl’s clothes, adopted the habits of the nuns there, and became fully engaged in the daily activities of his new home. It wasn’t until age seven that he realized he was a man, but he continued living as a girl, to avoid being cast out.”
This story is wild! We later found out that Frank eventually had a baby with one of the other nuns. We then imagine what it would be like for that kid to explain to people who is parents were. Especially, his father, the nun man. There is some real hilarity in this Peep Show and we hope you enjoy!