(VIDEO) Watch A Wild Nude Fight Between Two Women At The Beach
Watch this nude fight at Venice Beach! (Photo by Mario Tama/Getty Images)
Well, this isn’t your average fight. Before you square up with someone, examining who you’re up against is best. My advice? Never fight a naked person. Who knows what else they’ll do to you publicly if they’re willing to do that? Or, then, you have to touch them! No, thank you! Watch a wild nude fight between two women at the beach!
Onlookers were puzzled as the scene played out. You can watch the video below.
Watch A Wild Nude Fight Between Two Women At The Beach
In the video, the two women swing baseball bats at each other. You might not have noticed the bats, though. When one of them is naked, it’s hard to notice anything else happening.
Naturally, this happened at Venice Beach, California. Where else would you expect this to happen? If it’s not Florida, there’s a good chance the crazy activity is happening in Venice Beach. There are always a ton of characters in the area. However, they’re usually clothed. This time, it is a little different.
Some people in the area looked wildly confused. Others quickly brought their phones out. It’s shocking to see; you can’t blame them. Judging by the naked woman’s movements, it appears that she is intoxicated or on something. I feel like those aren’t normal moves that a sober person would make.
At one point, one of the women throws her weapon at the other. It misses her, but then she picks it up and chases the woman now wielding two clubs! It appears that the naked woman was probably winning the fight. Like I said earlier, don’t fight a naked person! They typically end up winning! They’re willing to do anything; you can’t trust them!
Check out the viral video below shared by NBCLA on YouTube. It has been blurred out.
Caution! 5 Things You Should Never Do Drunk
At the time, it may sound like a fun idea. You might even be able to talk yourself into believing it will be a good time and positive things will come out of it. However, I must proceed to warn you to act with caution. These are 5 things you should never do drunk. If you do, you’re very likely going to regret it.
You may have heard of liquid courage. It’s the term we’ve given to that phenomena where you have feelings of self-confidence and self-assuredness after consuming alcohol. For example, when you’re at the bar and you’ve had a couple of drinks and you aren’t scared to talk to that girl you’ve never met who’s sitting next to you. Usually, you wouldn’t speak to her. You’d be too shy or feel awkward. However, with liquid courage, you’re ready to approach.
Understanding Liquid Courage
In reality, the alcohol didn’t actually make you brave. In fact, alcohol causes our brain to release the chemical dopamine, which is a hormone that deals with motivation and rewards. According to The Guest House, the confidence isn’t real, the alcohol has changed our perception. That feeling of confidence and re-assuredness is actually a false sense of those things. That’s where alcohol and its dependency can become a real problem for people. We believe that confidence is real and begin to depend on alcohol to help us in those situations, creating what could be a very slippery slope.
Unfortunately, that false sense of confidence isn’t the only problem with alcohol. Truth is, people do some dumb things when they’re drinking. Sure, there are fun things, as well. However, that’s not what we’re talking about right now. To avoid creating any problems or drama, these are five things you should never do drunk.
Some things on the list are obvious, but still need to be pointed out. Others, you might need a reminder for. Hopefully, you aren’t doing any of these five things that you should never do drunk. You could get arrested, in trouble, dumped, or worse. Stick to having fun and enjoying yourself when you choose to have some drinks. In order to do that, you’re going to want to avoid making these mistakes!
5 Things You Should Never Do Drunk
Cort Freeman was born and raised in Metro Detroit. He was named Clarkston High School 2009 Class Clown 13 years after graduating. Totally normal thing to happen. That’s thanks to his time spent as an Intern at Comedy Central and Social Media Correspondent for The Colbert Report. Cort has done comedy across the country, both standing up and sitting down. When he’s not trying to make you laugh on-air and online, he’s probably at home enjoying his favorite shows like Seinfeld, South Park, and The Office. He’s also totally uncomfortable writing about himself in the third person. Cort enjoys writing about comedy, food, sports, and entertainment. So, basically anything and everything.