What Crazy Thing Did Doctors Find In An Old Guy’s Colon?
A 63-year-old man’s booty is blowing the minds of gastroenterologists around the world after a recent discovery during a colonoscopy. The doctor who was performing the rectal scope found something incredibly rare and very hard to explain…and no it’s not a sex toy.
Doctors Find Fully Intact Fly Inside Mans Colon
According to reports, during a routine colonoscopy, Dr. Matthew Bechtold found something he had never seen in an ass in the 20 years he has been practicing butt medicine. It was a fully intact fly. The insect was dead, but still fully intact. He found it just chilling right in the middle of the old guy’s transverse colon. Which for you non-science people is the part of the colon situated below the liver.
Now this isn’t the first time this has happened, but it is extremely rare. Doctors believe the fly got there because the man had eaten it not because it flew up the patient’s rectum.
Elderly Man Consumed Fly Two Days Before Visit
Doctors hypothesize that the fly was consumed two days prior to the procedure when the man ate pizza and salad even though the man does not recall eating the insect. It’s just crazy that the fly did not get digested and was not flushed out of the colon during the prep for the butt scope procedure.
This discovery has the entire gastroenterologists buzzing since it’s such a rare discovery to make. Dr. Matthew Bechtold said that out of more than 30,000 colonoscopies he has performed, this is the ONLY time he’s ever encountered an insect. You can see some pictures here
It’s kind of crazy that with the amount of things we hear about people finding in butts that a common house fly is making such a splash in the ass medical community. This could make for a very rousing version of Dave’s favorite radio game to play. Do you think Chuck, Andy, or Lisa will be able to guess “What’s Up His Butt?”
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These 7 Strange Items Have Been Found Inside People's Bodies
There are no shortage of ways that you can end up in the Emergency Room. Sometimes, it’s something completely unpreventable. Other times, it’s something that certainly could have been prevented with a little common sense. These 7 strange items have been found inside people’s bodies.
According to Fox News, in 2021, foreign objects stuck in people’s bodies was the ninth leading cause of accidental injuries that led to trips to the emergency room. Data from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says that in 2021 nearly 278,000 adults in the United States went to the E.R. due to some sort of object being stuck inside their body.
Objects Found Inside People’s Bodies
Regarding these objects being a common reason for trips to the Emergency Room, Dr. Marc Spiegel, a clinical professor of medicine at NYU Langone Medical Center, told Fox News, “Foreign objects being stuck in strange places is predictable at number nine, when you consider that more than half are sex toys.” He continued, telling Fox News, “But there is also the factor of people absentmindedly poking themselves with objects, especially in the nose, ears, and mouth.”
This makes sense. Adult toys are often designed and intended to go inside of our bodies. Accidents can happen, they can get stuck, and that will indeed lead to a trip to the Emergency Room. While it may be embarrassing, I think we can all understand that it happens. What’s not as common are random items getting stuck up noses that are not intended to go up there.
That Doesn’t Belong There!
Emergency Room doctors have seen it all…and then some, I’m sure. Look around the room you’re in now. I’d be willing to bet there are at least ten objects within grabbing distance that could fit inside one of your orifices. It might take a little effort, but they can fit if you want them to. Now, the shocking thing about the data that Fox News is talking about is that it specifically states “adults.” Most of these items I could see a child easily getting stuck up their nose, or swallowing on accident. An adult ending up with these things inside of them somehow feels less accidental and more…on purpose.
Here are seven strange items that have been found inside people’s bodies. All of these things led to a trip to the Emergency Room. It shouldn’t have to be said, but I’m going to say it anyways. Please, don’t try any of these at home. Don’t become a story.