Driver Gets Into High Speed Police Chase While Hauling An Entire House
It’s never a wise idea to get into a police chase. They don’t usually end well, likely a crash or someone getting severely injured. It’s an even WORSE idea to get into a police chase while you’re hauling your entire house!
This situation is definitely going to make this year’s Thanksgiving one to remember for a Missouri man and a few cops.
Police officers chase suspect who was hauling house
According to reports, a man in Missouri was apparently unaware of this. Because he was clocked by cops speeding while hauling a 70-foot trailer with a house on it on Thanksgiving night. For some reason, the driver refused to pull over and got himself involved in a good old-fashioned police chase.
Officers think that the man may have been driving under the influence due to how erratically he was driving away from them. The officers tried to stop him using stop sticks and spikes to pop his tire, but it wasn’t enough.
The chase continued for almost 35 miles until he attempted to take the trailer home driving off the road. The local police also provided amusing commentary for the chase. You can see footage from the chase at the link below.
The police actually high-fived after this chase to celebrate bringing this speeding driver to a halt.
Now typically if someone driving a wide-load vehicle on the highway was going fast every other single motorist on the road would probably be happy. How many times have you been stuck behind a truck hauling something big that slows you down or makes you late for an appointment?
So we are a little torn. We definitely don’t think you should drive while impaired, but we appreciate this guy’s hustle to get where he was going. At least there was a really cool video to watch after this chase.
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Caution! 5 Things You Should Never Do Drunk
At the time, it may sound like a fun idea. You might even be able to talk yourself into believing it will be a good time and positive things will come out of it. However, I must proceed to warn you to act with caution. These are 5 things you should never do drunk. If you do, you’re very likely going to regret it.
You may have heard of liquid courage. It’s the term we’ve given to that phenomena where you have feelings of self-confidence and self-assuredness after consuming alcohol. For example, when you’re at the bar and you’ve had a couple of drinks and you aren’t scared to talk to that girl you’ve never met who’s sitting next to you. Usually, you wouldn’t speak to her. You’d be too shy or feel awkward. However, with liquid courage, you’re ready to approach.
Understanding Liquid Courage
In reality, the alcohol didn’t actually make you brave. In fact, alcohol causes our brain to release the chemical dopamine, which is a hormone that deals with motivation and rewards. According to The Guest House, the confidence isn’t real, the alcohol has changed our perception. That feeling of confidence and re-assuredness is actually a false sense of those things. That’s where alcohol and its dependency can become a real problem for people. We believe that confidence is real and begin to depend on alcohol to help us in those situations, creating what could be a very slippery slope.
Unfortunately, that false sense of confidence isn’t the only problem with alcohol. Truth is, people do some dumb things when they’re drinking. Sure, there are fun things, as well. However, that’s not what we’re talking about right now. To avoid creating any problems or drama, these are five things you should never do drunk.
Some things on the list are obvious, but still need to be pointed out. Others, you might need a reminder for. Hopefully, you aren’t doing any of these five things that you should never do drunk. You could get arrested, in trouble, dumped, or worse. Stick to having fun and enjoying yourself when you choose to have some drinks. In order to do that, you’re going to want to avoid making these mistakes!
5 Things You Should Never Do Drunk