A Woman Arrested for Exposing Herself at County Pool
Earlier this week a woman was arrested at a Pinellas County pool for acting inappropriately.
According to police reports the woman was at the pool talking to children about having a birthmark in a private place.
The reports also allege that the woman was “twerking” and pulled up her shirt to expose her breasts to two children and another adult at the pool. The woman denied exposing herself but was arrested and charged for exposure of sexual organs.
Chris Evans Reacts to She-Hulk Exposing Capt. America's Virginity Status
Following a major revelation in the post-credits in the first episode of She-Hulk: Attorney at Law, Chris Evans chimed in on rumors that his former Marvel superhero character Captain America died a virgin.
In the first few minutes of the episode, as Jennifer Walters (Tatiana Maslany) and Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) are in the car, she brings up a “theory” of hers saying, “Steve Rodgers did not have a girlfriend before he went into the service. So, he becomes Captain America and from that moment on, a symbol of America, he is rushed to the frontlines, he becomes a war hero. Then he is frozen in ice!”
As Bruce is in agreement, Jennifer says, “So, based on everything you’ve told me, after he gets unfrozen, he goes from world-threatening disaster to world-threatening disaster. That’s when he’s not a fugitive from the law, right? So it seems like he was pretty, pretty busy.”
“All you’re doing is repeating everything that I’ve told you about my friend and colleague,” Bruce says, smiling through his teeth. Just as they are about to get into a car crash due to some sort of UFO, Jennifer manages to say, “Obviously, Captain America was a virgin.”
Cut to the post-credits scene where Jennifer is drunkenly ranting about Cap not deserving to die a virgin especially with “that a–,” to Bruce again — this time, around a campfire. “Steve Rodgers did so much for this country and he never got to experience sex. Like that a– did not deserve to die a virgin,” Jennifer says crying. “He lost his virginity to a girl in 1943 on the USO tour,” Bruce replied.
Jen then reveals she was faking being drunk to manipulate Bruce into telling her the truth, and now it’s too late for him to take it back. She loudly cheers, “Captain America fu—!” as the scene abruptly cuts.
"CAPTAIN AMERICA FU--"#SheHulk pic.twitter.com/km0CYkS0iY
— sup gang (@somalia4473) August 18, 2022
Chris Evans wasn’t in on the joke, however, only finding out about his character’s personal details via She-Hulk like everyone else. Evans, 41, responded on Twitter to the memes flooding in, without giving many details about the subject. He tweeted out three laughing/crying emojis, followed by a zipper mouth. Ruffalo, 54, then responded to the tweet saying, “Sorry bro. It was under extreme duress.”
Sorry bro. It was under extreme duress.
— Mark Ruffalo (@MarkRuffalo) August 18, 2022
In an interview with Entertainment Weekly, Ruffalo shared how he felt the first time he learned that Captain America’s personal life was up for discussion in the series. “I laughed my a– off,” Ruffalo said. “I’m like, ‘Does someone need to talk to Captain America about this?’ I haven’t. I was afraid he was going to have it cut. Too late now, buddy. The cat’s out of the bag.”
She-Hulk‘s head writer Jessica Gao revealed the team behind the series “didn’t set out thinking that we were going to be able to answer” how Captain America lost his virginity. “It used to just be a running joke, that it’s going to be a lifelong obsession for Jen, that this is the one thing that keeps her awake at night,” she told EW. “It actually used to be in the show a lot more, where in every episode there would be some little reminder, like you’d see that her search history was this, and she was always in asides talking to other characters where everybody’s reaction was like, ‘She’s talking about this again.'”
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law debuts new episodes every Thursday on Disney+.
See what fans had to say about Captain America’s virginity on Twitter below:
Only One Interpretation
There’s only one way to interpret this clip after #SheHulk pic.twitter.com/x2dSbZhVik
— Ro (@ReDamos64) August 18, 2022Chris Evans Watching The Scene
Chris Evans watching post credit scene in #SheHulk be like: pic.twitter.com/MXH5ne5oL7
— steve (@ixendrix) August 18, 2022So... You Thought
“So... you thought I was a virgin...”#SheHulk pic.twitter.com/Uh5Z5hy6Ez
— ⍟ ImSoAwesomeFace ⍟ (@ImSoAwesomeFace) August 18, 2022Can Not Believe
#shehulk spoilers
— faz (@buckyssteven) August 18, 2022
“Captain America Fu-” Marvel will never let anyone say the word 😂 #SheHulk pic.twitter.com/H3FJPxUWqc
— MCU Report (@MCUReport) August 18, 2022She's So Real For That
Shehulk spoilers ‼️‼️‼️
— yuhyuh (@amrieass) August 18, 2022
“Did you see that ass, that ass did not deserve to die a virgin”
she’s so real for that😫 #SheHulk pic.twitter.com/qfAKIaD26yStar-Lord's Grandma
Star-Lord's Grandma is sus.......#SheHulk #SheHulkAttorneyAtLaw pic.twitter.com/dYxBHVpyVi
— Shadow Knight (@shadowknightdk) August 18, 2022Best and Funniest
"CAPTAIN AMERICA FUUUUU—"#SheHulk's first post credit scene is by far one of the BEST & FUNNIEST we've gotten in awhile! pic.twitter.com/3RGArpqatb
— Evan | PME 🎬 (@0fficialPME) August 19, 2022Steve To Bruce
Steve to Bruce after he told jennifer about his virginity:#SheHulk #SheHulkAttorneyAtLaw pic.twitter.com/PzKk1W1jCC
— Shadow Knight (@shadowknightdk) August 18, 2022Long-Term Storytelling
Long term storytelling at its finest people!! #SheHulk pic.twitter.com/B7146Ycafy
— Blerd Central (@BlerdCentral) August 19, 2022Peggy Carter's Pissed
#SheHulk spoiler
— 🐈⬛ (@commanderburger) August 18, 2022
Hayley Atwell when she finds out that Steve didn’t lose his v card to Peggy pic.twitter.com/LiYJ3NNmKZAnt-Man Entered The Chat
#SheHulk and Ant-Man when they meet and talk about Captain America’s buttpic.twitter.com/YNgOMOnK7X
— BLURAYANGEL 🦇 (@blurayangel) August 18, 2022Solidified Legend
This scene solidified Jennifer Walters as a Marvel legend. #SheHulk pic.twitter.com/4jxel9VyLB
— Matt Ramos (@therealsupes) August 18, 2022