Everything Detroit – Fueled By Celsius Essential Energy Drinks

Everything Detroit – Fueled By Celsius Essential Energy Drinks

Everything Detroit – Fueled By Celsius Essential Energy Drinks

Finders Keepers in Plymouth, Michigan

Today’s local music store spotlight takes us to Plymouth to Finders Keepers. I stopped by recently on a rainy Sunday afternoon at their new location. Man, have they upgraded. Just two blocks from their last location, the new store is spacious and beautiful. Owner, Matt Mai was there and gave me the tour.

He opened Finders Keepers in 2011. It’s both a record store and vintage store in one. He told me “Our rock posters and pictures are original, or early prints. We focus on an inventory of excellent condition vintage and vinyl while finding these items is our passion.” He went on to say “We do not sell online or personally collect vinyl so you will tend to find more used early pressings here than at other places.”

Matt wanted me to pass along that Metro Detroit is fortunate to have so many wonderful record stores and they’re thankful to be among them. That they are!

There’s also a hair salon, as this was always his wife’s, Kamie’s dream.

It’s worth the drive to Plymouth to check out Finders Keepers for your vinyl, or your vintage needs…


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