A Chart Ranking the Best Types of French Fries Is Creating Major Controversy on the Internet

A New Women’s Bathing Suit Makes You Look Like a Hairy Man

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A Speeding Car Comes Within Inches of Crashing Into a Semi

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A Subway Employee Foils a Robbery by Telling the Guy to “Get a Job”

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A Clueless Guy Tries to Tap a Keg, and the Beer Comes Shooting Out

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A Woman Jumps in Front of a Speeding Car and Saves a Boy’s Life

An 18-Year-Old is Busted For Trespassing with a Ton of Hickeys on His Neck

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A Sleeping Baby Wakes Up and Starts Dancing to His Favorite Song

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A Bear Riding in a Motorcycle Sidecar

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A Guy Pulls a Big Snake Out of a Gas Pump

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A Car Rolls Out of a Yard and Crashes Into Another Car Driving Down the Street

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A Man Fires a Gun at a Fridge Filled With Explosives and Is Almost Killed

A Woman Tells the Cops Her Friend Sold Her Spider Eggs Instead of Crack

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Police Kick a Man Who’s On Fire and Rolling Around On the Ground

A Guy Calls 911 and Claims His Grandmother’s Dying, But Really Just Wanted a Ride to Hooters

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This British politician’s high-five went horribly wrong