Movies are one of the few things left in this world that can bring all different kinds of people together. Of course, some movies are not without controversy. One thing is for certain: Americans are huge movies fans. As Hollywood movie studios have increased budgets over the last few decades, we have been able to witness many visually spectacular films. “Avatar The Way of Water”, “Avengers: Endgame” “Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens”, “Fast X” and “Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides” all had a production budget over 300 Million dollars. All of those movies made more than double the cost to make. Unfortunately, not every movie fairs as well. Just because you spend more money, doesn’t necessarily mean the movie is better. For instance, “Wonder Woman 1984” had a production budget of 200 million dollars and just made a little over 166 Million dollars worldwide.
Here, I’ve compiled a list of the years’ most intriguing movies thus far. Of course, we still have 4 months left in the year and surely more great movies are set to release during that time. This list is a combination of movies that I have seen and can highly recommend, as well one movie I am dying to see which is critically acclaimed. Every other movie on this list I have watched and thoroughly enjoyed to the max. For the sake of quality, I did not include any movies from the horror genre. This was due to the fact that the genre as a whole is very love or hate. Even amongst horror fans, some people say a movie made them laugh, while others say it was terrifying. Often people lie and are scared, but ironically don’t want to admit it. Hilarious when you think about it. Anyway, here is a list of 2023’s “Must-See” movies!