The world famous debate (okay, maybe Metro Detroit famous) continues. Who serves up the best coney dog in Detroit, and is it acceptable to put ketchup on it? Al Roker from The Today Show brought his show Family Style with Al Roker to Detroit to check out why Detroiters love a Coney.
He stopped by both Lafayette and American (obviously) but also checked out some of the other staples here in Metro Detroit. One of the big debates was whether or not you put ketchup on a Coney. We all know the “Coney with everything” means Coney sauce, mustard and onions but NEVER ketchup. According to the fine folks at American, it’s basically a sin to put ketchup on it. Personally, I’m not a huge fan of ketchup in general. I’ll maybe dip a fry in it once and a while, but it’s definitely not my go-to for anything. I also tend to put cheese on a Coney (because cheese is amazing) and some people have called me out for it. I’ve been told putting cheese on a Coney is just something you don’t do. That being said, I don’t really care what other people think about cheese (or ketchup for that matter) on a Coney. As far as I’m concerned, eat your Coney however you like! What do I care, am I right? I also like to put mustard and onions on my chili cheese fries so I have that going for me. I wouldn’t suggest eating at a Coney island for a first date, unless you’re into onion breath.
There’s a lot of great Coney joints around Metro Detroit so check out my top five below. Oh, and if you want to watch Al Roker get after some Coney’s, click HERE.