A lot goes into the making of a movie or TV show. The plot must be interesting, with twists, turns, and great drama or action. The best movies and TV shows always have epic moments worth waiting for. Not all TV shows or movies have action-packed scenes, as that’s not what all shows are about. But there always needs to be a healthy mix when it comes to the movies and shows with tons of action. These always lead to epic moments throughout.
The best movies and shows have captivating storylines that make you care about more than just the conflict itself. These pieces pull this off because they have decisive and rewarding epic moments. The greatest movies make you want to see the fight! Some fantastic moments in cinema occur due to masterful storytelling and visuals. Some of the greatest TV shows and movies tend to do a lot of visual storytelling, which I believe is crucial to fully captivating a viewer.
Epic Moments in Iconic Franchises
Throughout sagas like Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and Harry Potter, there are countless examples of heroic saves that come just at the right time. We live for the thrill of these epic moments. Highly rated-TV shows and award-winning movies are the best when it comes to this. One amazing trope in TV shows and movies is the heroic save.
The Heroic Save
Heroic saves are epic moments that truly change the entire outcome of a movie or show. For instance, A battle is taking place, it’s visually spectacular, and the main protagonist is at a disadvantage. While the viewer has to watch for an uncomfortable amount of time before the tides turn. This is when the ultimate heroic twist of fate takes place. The epic moment occurs, and the good guy rides in at the last second, or the leader pulls off something mystical, or some crazy otherworldly force intervenes and completely changes the entire script.
The long-drawn-out build-up makes epic moments much more powerful in these scenes. The viewer is so incredibly invested in the characters and fears for their demise. This is why the heroic save is one of the best epic moments. These intense action scenes define certain films and shows, certainly those that center on action and drama.
The Blend of Action, Drama and Fantasy
Action and drama are my favorite combination of genres because they can potentially leave the most emotional impact on the viewer. Of course, when talking about action and drama films, I think a hint of fantasy or historical fiction at the core breathes life into the on-screen product. People who love seeing all of these intense action scenes know how incredibly rewarding it is to see a fight scene bring an entire movie, episode or even season all together at once.
For instance, in a series like Game of Thrones, you spend many real-life hours sitting and watching all the characters squabbling and setting up incredibly intricate plot lines. Some people may think it’s drawn out and tiresome, but to the true cinema buffs out there, we realize it makes or breaks everything!
The List
Now, I have created a master list of the greatest fights and epic saves ever released to the big screens. I made sure to include TV and streaming series to give the proper full array of epic scenes. These fights were drawn up perfectly, keeping viewers on the edge of their seats and not disappointing when it came time to commence. Scroll to view the most epic moments on-screen in the world of 21st-century cinema!