Arc de Triomphe at Place de l'Etoile along the Champs-Elysees in Paris, France. This is one of the most famous landmarks in Paris. It's also situated on what's likely the most iconic road in Paris. It's a cool sight to see and is right in the middle of a busy area with roundabouts. The famous landmark honors those who fought and died for France in the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic Wars.

The 2024 Paris Olympics are in full swing and the City Of Love is on full display. Now, if only the smell of fresh baguettes and croissants could come through our TVs.

There are few cities in the world like Paris, France. The boulevards, the landmarks, it’s all so picturesque. As I was watching the Paris Games, the City Of Light all came back to me. In fact, it was 11 years ago, nearly to the date, that I was in Paris! Now, it’s all coming back to me and reminding me how spectacular the city truly is.

City Of Love Photo Gallery During 2024 Paris Olympics

Time really does fly. It feels like just yesterday that my brother and I were walking the iconic Avenue des Champs-Élysées and eating as much bread as our stomachs could handle (a lot, by the way). To celebrate graduating college, we backpacked our way through Europe making stops in Amsterdam, Dublin, Brussels, and more. The final stop on our trip? Paris, France. I had wanted to make the trip my entire life. In school, I took 4 years of French when all of my friends were taking Spanish because I always liked the French Culture. From a young age, I had interest in traveling to the City Of Love, and it did not disappoint.

Unfortunately, much of the Opening Ceremony was spoiled by rain. It took away from some of the city’s beauty, but at the same time isn’t there something romantic about rain in Paris? It’s already one of the most romantic cities in the world and the rain just seems to add to the allure. Somehow, it fits. Perhaps its the famously moody citizens and their cigarettes, or old French film noir movies, but it all complimented the vibe of Paris.

While traveling, I always like to attempt to live like a local. Where do the locals go to eat? What do they do on a Saturday afternoon? That’s what I want to do! However, in Paris it was a bit different. I’m sorry, but you have to live like a tourist! You can’t visit France and not check out the Eiffel Tower. You simply can’t. It’s not like avoiding Times Square during a New York City trip. In fact, I encourage you to live like a tourist in France. Go all out. See the Eiffel Tower, the Louvre, and the Catacombs. Try every piece of bread that you can get your hands on! Try the baguettes, croissants, chocolate au pain, and all that Paris has to offer. It’s not something you can do whenever you want, so cross all those items off your bucket list.

I went through my photo album and grabbed 7 photos of my trip to Paris to share in a photo gallery. Hopefully, it’ll inspire you to travel to Paris one day. I’d highly recommend going when the Olympic Games aren’t going on. I imagine things will be cheaper and a bit less cramped. Paris is truly one of a kind. C’est la vie.

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