Dean Back and Dave Brenner from Theory are my guests today on Talkin’ Rock. As they get ready to release their 7th studio album next year, they found some time to tell me all about it. The song writing process, specifically with Tyler and how he writes is a topic of discussion. They tell me the flavor and substance pf the upcoming album, working with producer, Martin Terefe and how he was to record with, as well as pressure of putting out new music.
We talk about touring, how the band remains such great friends, former members of the band, Canadian bands, what shows they’ve recently streamed, Stanley Cup predictions and more. Dave has a GREAT Jerry Cantrell story and we have to talk about Tyler’s pompadour.
Al Beck gives us Rock news. Which member of the metal community is recording Christmas songs, Metallica and S&M, a piece of rock history that was found in a music store and more. We also discuss Al’s recent 5 questions in the company news letter.
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