Segment One: The Sound Of…A Lotta Love (Time: 19:55)
– Why is there an echo before the vocals in “Whole Lotta Love”, what is that mysterious voice in the Grand Funk song “I’m Your Captain”? Steve uses his engineering background to point out s few things you probably didn’t realize.
– [The Rev listens to Primus] (Time: 1:54)
Segment Two: The Sound Of…14 Cool Videos: (Time: 17:35)
– The “November Rain” video just passed the 1 Billion views mark, prompting Anne and Steve to select their top 7 personal favorite videos of all-time.
Segment Three: The Sound Of…Priest, Greta and the VMAs (Time: 19:47)
– Steve and Anne discuss recent music news including the Judas Priest book Heavy Duty, written by KK Downing, the new song from Greta Van Fleet, and the VMA’s – Why does MTV host? At this point shouldn’t YouTube replace MTV as the award host.