It’s Geoff Tate – round two for 2017. I talked to Geoff back in August before the release of his latest album “A New Reality”. You can listen to that interview here. Talking to him is always fun, and this interview is no different.
There’s a few things I’ve learned about talking to him. He loves to talk about riding his Harley Davidson, he doesn’t mind talking about Queensryche, and he’s very deliberate in what he says. I mention it on the podcast, but it a certain, way he reminds me a little bit of David Draiman from Disturbed. When you interview them, they answer very thoughtfully and precise.
It’s really interesting to hear about a technique he uses to get the ball rolling when writers block sets in. He told me it’s something David Bowie use to do. He talks about all the musicians he used on the new album, and how all three albums were recorded at the same time and the reason for that. We touch on the “Empire” album, the name “Operation Mindcrime” and the 30th anniversary of that classic album…….and that’s just for starters.