When it was decided that we, as a society, would start going back to the office (post-COVID) instead of working from home a lot of people were upset. Rightfully, they had many reasons to be. Working from home allowed employees to save money on gas. It allowed them to spend more time with their families and their pets. Let’s be honest, staying home and working also meant getting to work in our PJs and sweatpants. However, the best thing about working from home? Not having to deal with our co-workers and their annoying habits every day of the week.
Seriously, have you ever thought about how enjoyable work would be if you didn’t have to deal with all of that? Work is already hard and stressful enough without having to deal with the doofus in the cubicle next to you. It just piles on. After a week back into the office after Work From Home, I’m certain many of us were looking for a new job. Maybe even considering changing careers just to find a job where you didn’t have to put up with other people. Am I speaking too personally? I refuse to believe I’m the only one. I simply can’t be.
Chances are, even though we’ve worked at different places, we’ve probably dealt with the same types of people. There isn’t an office or work place in the country without at least one annoying co-worker. If there is, by all means please let me know. Once upon a time, I actually considered myself to be a people person. Then, after working with people, I realized I may have been wrong about myself. To be honest, I’m annoyed by most people. I’m also not afraid to admit, I probably, also, annoy most people, too. I’m no different. I’m likely just as guilty, and certainly have my own flaws and annoying habits in the work place. I’m sure some of my co-workers don’t enjoy working with a guy who’s on his phone Tweeting all day. Is that my problem? Yeah, probably.
So, having lived and learned and experienced a wide variety of co-workers in the office, I’ve made a list of the five most annoying co-workers in the office. Now, this isn’t just my office or places I’ve worked. I guarantee you’ve worked with co-workers who also fit some of these descriptions and were probably just as annoyed as I am. Or, maybe a little less, I tend to get annoyed quite easily. But I digress…here’s my list of the 5 Most Annoying Co-Workers In The Office. Have you worked with any of these people?

Working in an office again. (Photo by Oli Scarff/Getty Images)