Food is the way to a man’s heart they say. It certainly is to mine. Food and I have had an exceptionally interesting relationship over the years. Growing up I was a ridiculously picky eater to the point of madness. Until about age 13 my diet consisted of Milk, Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwiches, Yogurt, Biscuits, Macaroni and Cheese and French Fries. Truly it is a miracle I made it here today. Like I wouldn’t even try Pepperoni Pizza out of principle until I was 14! Like who does that?
So anyway, a lot has happened since then, I’ve eaten Pizza, I’ve discovered protein being involved in a diet and realized how delicious Thai food is. Now I’ve certainly held on to some of my favorite foods from my childhood, yet I can confidently say I have variety these days. Still can’t stand putting Ketchup or Mustard on things, but some things we just don’t outgrow! Now here is a list of my 5 all-time favorite foods. I even threw in some of my favorite places to eat some of these foods!