Back in the spring I asked you guys for some ideas as far as Greasy Spoon restaurants were concerned. You guys did not disappoint. The following twenty two spots were all picked by you guys via my social media accounts on X and Facebook.
I’ve made it to some of these places, but others are still on my list. As you may know, I’m always looking for places to ride my motorcycle to during the summer, so any additional places you like to steer me in the direction of, I’d appreciate it.
I talked to a friend of mine from out of state, and she’d never heard the term “greasy spoon”. Is it just a mid-west thing? I don’t know the answer to that, but there is a lot of them in our state. I searched the definition of a greasy spoon, and it said “a cheap, run-down café or restaurant serving fried foods.” I guess that works for me. That being said, I try to eat somewhat decent which is probably half the reason I haven’t been to some of these places. That doesn’t mean I don’t bend the rules every now and then.
Now, on to some great Greasy Spoons throughout Michigan!