No this is not a list of creepy looking bugs and spiders. Some of the scariest beings in this world are often times the least well known. This is where the field of Cryptozoology comes in. Cryptozoology is a pseudoscience that studies and searches for legendary, extinct, or unknown animals. Examples include Bigfoot, the Loch Ness Monster and the Chupacabra, these creatures individually are called “Cryptids” within this community.
While it’s easy for people to just simply dismiss these animals as fake, several have hundreds of years of history to them. I for one am absolutely fascinated in this field and find that in reality we are closer to proving they are real then not. It’s always important to remember that calling a video fake does not prove something doesn’t exist. Also, thousands upon thousands of people have encountered numerous creatures that can only be labeled as “Cryptids”, or one of these unknown animals.
Here I have compiled a list of the most chilling monsters that many have spotted right here in America. Some even in our own backyard here in Michigan. I am not here to convince you that you must believe in these beings. I will give you the interesting backstories and ample video evidence that will make the hair on the back of your neck stand up! Find out which terrifying animals you’ll be thinking of next time you go to the woods!