WRIF is the home of rock n’ roll, and we have no shortage of rock stories here on the site. There are so many unbelievably talented rock artists and bands that have made it to the airwaves over the years, from Led Zeppelin and Metallica, AC/DC and Eddie Van Halen and so very many more. This story would need to be 1,000 pages long to include all of the deserving bands that have graced the earth.
Origin of Rock
Rock music wasn’t always around though. We can trace the origins of rock music back to the mid 1950’s, where it was inspired from earlier upbeat blues and jazz music of the 1940’s. In March of 1951, Jackie Brenston an American saxophonist and singer recorded “Rocket 88.” Several music writers claim this to be the first or at least one of the first songs of the rock ‘n’ roll genre.
My Rock Backstory
I have only been a member of the WRIF team for around 4 months. Yet, I have been a rock fan since I was 4 years old. I was born in the late ’90s, so naturally one would assume I would connect with a ton of late ’90s and early 2000’s music. Interestingly enough, I’m a ’90s baby who’s obsessed with ’80s rock. I partially attribute that to my mom being in love with Bon Jovi and my dad introducing me to rock music at an early age. I even trace the love of ’80s rock to playing Guitar Hero as a kid and always preferring to play 80’s hair metal. Although at the time it was mostly because the hair of the bands were awesome. Later, I came to understand the feel of 80’s rock was just more alluring to me. So here is my list of 80’s rock songs that I deem to be the best of the decade.