While on vacation last week, I thought I’d take a trip somewhere I’ve never been…..to the upper peninsula. When my kids played hockey, they played in Mackinaw city and whatnot, but I’ve never really been to the U.P..
That changed as I stayed at the Birch Lodge in Trout Lake. Blink, and you miss it that little town. My kind of place! So quiet, too. The nightly fire was soooo quiet. Yes, I’d highly suggest staying at the Birch Lodge.
As far as the trip, I loved it! I wasn’t crazy about the gas prices up there – all over $4 a gallon, or the lack of “good” food. I think I gained 5 lbs eating pasties, which were delicious by the way! I probably put about 70 miles on my bicycle. Not bad, but not great. I mean, I was on vacation after all.
Here’s some pictures of my trip up north.