Ceaser Capital Management presents the Riverview Summerfest at Young Patriots Park! Come out and enjoy a carnival, midway, beer test, live music and more. Plus you can meet Les Gold of Hardcore Pawn each night from 7p-9p. Also stop by the WRIF booth while we are onsite on Saturday from 4p-9p and register for your shot at Riff Fest tickets and other Riff swag!
Thursday, June 17
Carnival, Midway, Food 5-11pm
Beer Tent 5-11pm
Atomic Radio 7-11pm
Meet Les Gold of Hardcore Pawn 7-9pm (Beer Tent)
Friday, June 18
Carnival, Midway, Food 1-11pm
Beer Tent 5-11pm
Intrepid Helicopter Rides
Category 5 – 6-8pm
Mega 80’s 9-11pm
Meet Les Gold of Hardcore Pawn 7-9pm (Beer Tent)
Saturday, June 19
Carnival, Midway, Food 12-11pm
Intrepid Helicopter Rides
Beer Tent 5-11pm
Classic Car Show 5-8 pm
Jukebox Paradox- 6-8 pm
Ray Street Park 9-11 pm
Fireworks 10 pm
Meet Les Gold of Hardcore Pawn 7-9pm (Beer Tent)
Carnival Pre-Sale: Ride Thursday – Saturday from open until close with the MEGA PASS for only $50! Buy your mega pass online between now and July 16 at 11:59 PM and save big! The mega pass is valid for one person for the entire event and is nontransferable.
Free shuttle from golf course and Seitz Middle School.
$5 Parking on-site
Beer Tent to benefit the American Legion Post 389