Once again it’s 2 for the price of 1. First up it’s my “hockey brother”, as he puts it, Vinnie Paul. VP talks about his love for hockey, unreleased “Dimebag” stuff that might see the light of day in the future, why they re-made “I Don’t Care Anymore”, tour bus issues, his love for GNR and seeing them on their latest tour, must see places to visit in Vegas, and more.
Second up is Neil Fallon from Clutch. I’ve never interviewed him before and, to be honest, was a little nervous about it. Turns out he’s great to talk to and had me laughing so hard I was crying! Hysterical! We talked about their new vinyl release, their upcoming tour, the use of Clutch songs in hockey arenas, his 6 year old critiquing his pitching and more.