Today, on Talkin’ Rock it’s guitar legend, Robin Trower. He’s got a new album out, his 23rd, and a U.S. tour coming up. It was an honor to talk to Robin. Here’s what we discussed……
*The title to his new album Coming Closer To The Day
*Playing all the instruments except the drums
*The Trower sound
*How come he doesn’t get the respect a guy like Eric Clapton gets
*His next album he’s already working on
*How he picked up a Fender Strat
*What influences his music
*Jimi Hendrix and seeing him live
*Bridge Of Sighs turning 45 this year and why it was such a success
*His legacy
In Rock News, Al Beck and I talk about the new Tool record and the new P.R. guy who they have working for them….not really. We discuss The Dirt and a lawsuit surrounding it, how Steven Tyler inspired Scott Stapp, new Vans sneakers coming out and Corey Taylor – rapper!?
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