Hero Pools, EVO 2020 and Valentines For Gamers Download

01:28:04 Download February 7th, 2020

This week on Checkpoint XP
(0:00) Overwatch Introduces Hero Pools & Overwatch League Season Preview – Overwatch recently announced a controversial addition to its competitive scene in the form of Hero Pools. Plus, the crew previews the upcoming Overwatch league which starts Saturday February 8th. 

Close Shave of the Week: Team Dignitas Go To Triple Overtime
(12:03) Esports News & EVO 2020 Lineup Announced 
Blizzard denied Sinatraa information on his MVP skin after he leaked it was for Zarya
Breso becomes first player to win Fortnite LAN with a controller
Two More Esports Temporarily Halt Competition in China over Coronavirus Health Concerns
Twitch Rivals Streamer Bowl Results
Cheater in the Streamer Bowl?
Esports Posts its first $1 Billion Year in 2019 according to Newzoo
Verizon In The Know Bowl Results
EVO Games Lineup Announced
(24:06) Super Bowl Ads Feat Streamers and Disney+ – Bugha and TimTheTatMan made some surprise appearances during the Super Bowl in a few ads. Plus, the first ads for the Marvel Disney+ shows have been released. The crew share their thoughts. 

Nailed It: Sven Has Not Died In 4 Games
(34:10) Valentine Day Gift Guide for Gamers – The crew runs down some gift suggestions for that special gamer in your life. Valentine’s Day is hard, make it easier with the help of Checkpoint XP!
(44:02) Video game news & Warcraft 3 Reforged Is A Mess
Fire Emblem Heroes is adding a Subscription Fee
Over 36,000 Flash Games Have Been Saved And Are Now Playable Offline
The Sims Turns 30
Nintendo Says No New Switch Models Planned For 2020
Remember that Ocarina of Time SpeedRun that got shattered a few weeks ago? It happened again.
Who is Eímear Noone? Irish video games composer conducting the Oscars ceremony
Warcraft 3 Reforged Is The Worst Reviewed Game Ever
(56:04) Monday Night League and final Fantasy VII Remake Trailer – Producer Joe joins the crew to continue discussing Monday Night League and the weeks matchups as well as the brand new trailer for Final Fantasy VII which features Cloud in a Dress and other scenes from The Honey Bee Inn.

Failed It: Complexity-Limit Reaches The World Of Warcraft Raid Limit
(1:08:08) What is the worst Trash Game you still play? & Catchphraze – What’s your favorite trash game? A game you know is objectively bad, but you still can’t help but love it anyway. Plus, Weird Beard runs the crew through a game of Catchphraze.
(1:18:14) Social Media –  What game has caused you to rage so hard, you’ve never picked it back up?

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