I’ve known Rhyno for years. He has a show coming up this Wednesday night at the VFW post in Westland. He’s promised I won’t get hit in the head with a steel chair, so I have that going for me! He also names his top 5 wrestlers. It’s really interesting to hear his top 5 since he’s in the business. He also talked about the dark side of wrestling, John Cena, traveling and diaper parties…..which I’ve never heard of. Anyway, I hope you enjoy. Here’s my top 5 wrestlers, some of which match Rhyno’s.
5 – Chris Jericho. I’ve always been entertained by him. He’s great on the mic inside and out of the ring. His podcast is pretty good, too.
4 – Goldberg. This guy came into the business like a wrecking ball. He had a great run back in the late 90’s. I won’t go into the time he threw me against the wall for no reason. Seriously, he did. That’s a story for another time.
3 – The Undertaker. Until that skit he did the other night on Fallon, you really don’t see him outside the ring. He’s a true enigma. The building always come unglued when he enters the ring……even if it takes 5 minutes to get there.
2 – The Rock. Who doesn’t love the Rock? Talk about great on the mic!! He’s one of the best.
1 – Stone Cold Steve Austin. The king from the “Attitude” era. I’ll never forget when he drove the zamboni, literally, into the ring at the Joe. The guy was a great entertainer. Rhyno mentions a lot of great reasons to like him.
Honorable mention. Mick Foley and Hulk Hogan. They could’ve easily made my list.
What’s yours?