Motor City Riffs 01/12/2025
We played great music this weekend from some of the best up-and-coming bands from Metro Detroit on Motor City Riffs! It was an excellent playlist; hopefully, we will keep getting amazing submissions!
Remember to tune in every Sunday from 9 to 10 p.m. on 101 WRIF to catch Motor City Riffs. We love supporting our local bands.
Motor City Riffs On 101 WRIF
Are you in a local band? Would you like your local band’s music played on the radio? Better yet, on The Riff? To submit your band, send us an MP3 of one of your songs that you’d like to be played! Send that MP3 to!
In return, we only ask that your music be radio-friendly and swearing-free. Now, I don’t think that’s asking for too much! So, take the time to edit or censor any swearing out of your music before you send it over. If it swears, it will not be played.

Check out the latest playlist for Sunday’s edition of Motor City Riffs. Listen to all the Michigan-made bands and artists who let us play their music!
We’re looking forward to hearing your stuff! Motor City Riffs has featured bands from across Michigan and some from Ontario! We’ve had bands that have never played a public set and bands that are selling out shows! You’re never too big or too small for Motor City Riffs.
Did you miss this week’s show? Well, you missed a good one! However, don’t worry! You can check out the playlist from last week below, featuring all the bands played along with which song. That way, we’ve got you covered if you hear something you liked but don’t know who or what it was. Check out the playlist from January 12th below! Thanks for rocking with WRIF!
GH0STW4LK3R – Nothing Left to Say
The Matthew Teardrop Orchestra – Hard Feelings
RIVIT – Breaking Me
Saber Tooth Gary – Haiku Guru
True Devil – S.D.O.N.
True Devil – Rips my heart out
True Devil – Divisible
Generation Empire – My Heart Of Stone
Savage Reaction – Motown Melodies
Slumlord Radio – Snakebit
Studiotone – Better on the inside
Approaching Autumn – Sleeper
For previous shows, click here!