Did A Florida Woman Poop Herself At Family Dollar As A Distraction?
Did a Florida woman poop herself at Family Dollar as a distraction so her partner could rob them? That’s what it sounds like!
Police in Florida are now looking for the woman who pooped herself at a Family Dollar in an effort to distract employees while a man stole around $500 in cleaning supplies. The pair remains on the loose but thankfully there was footage of them recorded on the store’s surveillance cameras. However, that has not led to them being caught by police yet. You can see a video shared by Polk Sheriff on YouTube below.
Woman Pooped Herself At Family Dollar As A Distraction
The video appears to show the 2 suspects leaving the Family Dollar store and the male suspect is shown with a cart full of cleaning supplies. He certainly did not look like he was in any sort of hurry to get out of there. Later in the video, the female suspect is shown and it looks like she’s making a face you’d make while trying to take a poop. It’s strange.
The incident happened at a Family Dollar in Mulberry, Florida. Now, Polk County deputies are reportedly referring to the suspects as “Mr. Clean” (because of all the cleaning supplies he took, he did not resemble the well-known Mr. Clean) and “Ms. Dookie (because of the, uh, well, pooping herself, obviously). FOX 13 News reports that the man walked out of the store with nearly $500 worth of cleaning supplies such as Gain, Tide, and Clorox products. Coincidentally, the store could have really used some of those cleaning supplies as the woman reportedly took a poop right on the floor at the Family Dollar.
FOX 13 says an employee ended up having to clean up the mess she made. That’s horrible! That should be part of her punishment is cleaning it up. I can’t imagine having to do that on the job. I’d show up at the court case or sentencing asking for a harsher punishment because of what she put me through. Horrible! Disgusting! Ugh.
The Polk County Sheriff’s Office tells FOX 13 that the couple left the store in a white van. The Polk County Sheriff’s Office took to social media to say, “If you recognize ‘Mr. Clean’ or ‘Ms. Dookie’, or you have information regarding this investigation, please contact Detective Hannon at 863-499-2400 or RHannon@polksheriff.org.” Hopefully they find them before they think they found a good tactic to get away with stealing and do it again at a different store. Another employee should not be forced to clean up after her again. Once is already one-time too many.
You can see a photo released by the Polk County Sheriff’s Office of the 2 suspects below.