Is It Okay To Clip Your Toenails At A Hotel Pool?
Is it okay to clip your toenails at a hotel pool? One man clearly thinks it’s acceptable, but the internet doesn’t seem to agree.
There are many places where it can be considered inappropriate to clip your nails (especially your toenails). Doing it at your desk at work isn’t okay. The clippings go flying everywhere and can land on your co-workers desk. Doing it at a public pool? Also seems like a bad idea.
Man Busted Clipping Toenails At A Hotel Pool
It seems like clipping your toenails should be something done in private. Doing it in public where people can see or have it possibly touch them is far from acceptable. I don’t even want to hear that sound let alone have any clippings come near me! It sounds like I’m not alone as video of the man doing this is now going viral online.
It would certainly be a good way to ruin your relaxing pool session. According to KidSpot, a mom Katy was recently holidaying in Dubai when she heard that dreaded sound of nails being clipped. Then, she came face-to-face with the gross act. In the viral video, she says, “I’m like, I know what sound that is, please do not let it be true, right near where I’m sitting. So I’m reading my book, ignoring the sound…but I know exactly what the sound is. Some dirty pig is cutting their toenails–about 15 feet away from me. A man, a grown man, is cutting his toenails by the pool. I can’t.”
So, what did he end up doing with the clippings? That’s when it gets even worse. He was spotted shaking the nails off his towel and onto the floor around the public pool, per KidSpot! Can you imagine seeing that? I don’t usually get involved in situations, but I think I’d have to call the guy out. That’s disgusting! So, she turned to the internet to see what they thought about it and most of the comments agree that it’s unacceptable. However, not everybody.
What do you think? Is it acceptable to cut your toenails at a hotel pool or anywhere in public? You can check out the viral video for yourself shared by @itsakatylife on TikTok below! I think I would have been more visibly upset than even she was!
What do you think? Would you have responded the same way? That’s something you should do in the privacy of your own home–not out in public, if you ask me!