5 Pieces Of Advice I’d Give Myself In High School
Here are 5 pieces of advice I would go back and give myself in high school. There’s a lot more I’d want to say, but I’ll cap it at just 5.
If you could go back in time and talk with yourself in high school what advice would you give yourself? Would it be a warning? Would you encouraging? Would you kick yourself in the shins for what you’re about to do hoping that will bring about some change? Only you know how stubborn you can be. Personally, I know what advice I would give myself in high school.
What Advice Would You Go Back And Give Yourself In High School?
When you’re in high school, you think you have all the answers. Little do you know–you know nothing, Jon Snow! We’re clueless but incredibly entitled and it can lead to some problems. Thankfully, down the road we eventually learn from our mistakes and see the wrong in our ways. Unfortunately, today our Facebook Memories are constantly popping up to remind us of how foolish we were back in the day, and it can be hard to get past.
Years later, we finally have the clarity we thought we had back in high school. Only had we known back then what we know now…maybe things would have ended up differently. If only we knew then, maybe we could have prevented years pursuing the wrong career, had the wrong group of friends and were hanging with a bad crowd, the wrong partner, or trying to be someone we’re not.
Many of us became different people than we were in high school. That can be good and it can be bad. You definitely don’t want to be the same person you were because you’re not Peter Pan and you have to grow up at some point. However, if you drastically change you’re removing a part of yourself. You become like Ryan Reynold’s character in Just Friends where your entire personality is built around not being the person you were in high school and proving people wrong–and you don’t want that! That’s no way to live.
So, if you could go back and have a little one-on-one chat with yourself in high school? What would you say? “Great job, keep it up?” Or would you offer some pointed advice that you’ve learned along the way that you think would have made a huge difference if you heard it back then. Of course, in high school I’m sure I wouldn’t have taken advice from someone in their 30s trying to tell me how to live my life as a teenager. Ugh. I really need to have a chat with him. Check out what 5 pieces of advice I would tell myself in high school below!