Watch Jon Stewart’s Heartbreaking Tribute To Late Dog
Well, I’m crying at work (again). I am a total softie when it comes to dogs. My dog is truly my best friend and every once and a while, I find my mind drifting to wondering what life will be like when I inevitably lose him. It’s a terrible thought. Unfortunately, Jon Stewart had to face that reality recently. Watch Jon Stewart’s heartbreaking tribute to his late dog, Dipper.
Here’s a challenge: try to get through the video without crying before Jon does. See if you can do it.
Jon Stewart’s Heartbreaking Tribute To Late Dog
Lisa said it best on the show the other day, “That’s why I like dogs…they don’t talk.” It’s so true. Dogs are better than people. They truly are a part of the family, and having to say good bye is nothing short of heartbreaking.
You spend all day every day with them. You were there for them when they needed you, and they returned the favor when you were in need. They truly are man’s best friend. Few things in life are harder than saying good bye to your best friend. Your constant companion. Believe it or not, you’ll miss all the annoying quirks and habits they have when they’re no longer around.
A couple of weeks ago, Jon Stewart, the host of the Daily Show on Comedy Central, shared that his family had to say good bye to their pet dog, Dipper. First, love that name. Dipper is an amazing and adorable name for a dog. Secondly, he shared some touching stories and memories he and his family shared with Dipper. Of course, he did this all while fighting back tears. Sometimes, unsuccessfully.
Jon Stewart Breaks Down Remembering Late Dog
I was going to let it go. Yes, I saw the video when it came out. However, I wasn’t going to share. It made me cry. Then, on a second re-watch it made me cry again. Then, Dave mentioned it on the show the other day, so I feel like I now have to share it with you. If you’ve ever loved a pet, you’ll be able to relate to everything Jon has to say.
In the video, after sharing some touching stories of Dipper, Jon gives some advice. He says “find that dog.” He advises you go out and find that one dog who can change your life. Oh, man. It’s starting again. The screen is getting hazy. I can’t describe it. I’m going to cry again. Here, let’s just have Jon share it himself.
Check out some other dog stories heard on Dave & Chuck “The Freak” like the dog who really wants in the hot tub and the dog who knows Harry Potter spells!