Tempting or Tacky? OnlyFan’s Star Emilie Rae’s Foot-Crushed Wine Venture
Would you drink wine made by feet? (Photo by Scott Gries/Getty Images)
When I think of wine, I guess ‘fancy.’ Wine has a little more class than a shot of tequila does, don’t you agree? However, this doesn’t seem as classy. An OnlyFans star and ‘Foot Fetish Icon’ has launched a line of wine using grapes that have been crushed by her feet!
That’s incredibly unusual. While some people are disgusted by it, others love it (Chuck). Would you drink wine made by feet? What if she was hot? Let’s dive in.
‘Foot Fetish Icon’ Launches Line Of Wine Using Grapes Crushed By Her Feet
According to MyLondon, Emilie Rae makes more than $10,000 a month posting seductive pictures and videos involving her feet. There are videos where she’s standing in beans, videos where she’s crushing birthday cake with her feet and more!
Now, something different is afoot. She’s rolling out a line of wine in which the grapes are crushed by her feet. With her experience in the world of feet and foot fetishes, it was only natural that a company would seek her out for this. The wine is a partnership with Renegade Urban Winery in the United Kingdom.
While the cabernet sauvignon is described as “full-bodied,” the most essential part of said body here is the feet. I wouldn’t say I like feet. I am not a person with a foot fetish. I don’t want to touch my feet, nor for my feet to touch me. So, I would pass on this wine. The whole time I drink it, I only think about my feet. I’d probably even start smelling it. There’s simply no way I could do it. Even when it’s made by the feet of a beautiful model, it doesn’t matter if she’s a ten or a total troll; it’s not for me.
When I think of people using their feet to crush grapes for wine, I immediately think of that old viral video where the news reporter is doing it and takes a terrible fall.
It turns out that doing this is indeed dangerous! MyLondon reports Emilie said, “The process of actually trampling on the grapes, I nearly lost my life. When the sinks of the grapes break, they become slippery, and it was in this half barrel lined with a bin bag. I was stomping away, trying to look sexy in this ballgown, and the next minute…I’m flying off to the side.” We almost had a repeat of that viral video! That would not be as sexy.
Of course, Chuck The Freak disagrees with me. He quickly said he would get some, but I will kindly pass.
Check Emilie out below!
5 Dave And Chuck The Freak Peep Show Videos About Sex
On Dave And Chuck The Freak, we talk about all sorts of content. We’ll talk trending stories, celebrity news, idiot criminals, and more. Something that seems to come up every day in one way or another? Sex. Here are 7 Dave and Chuck The Freak Peep Show videos about sex!
We’ve curated some of the funniest Peep Show videos of the gang discussing sex, or some sort of sex related topic. Of course, they’re all hilarious.
5 Dave And Chuck The Freak Peep Show Videos About Sex
Note, these conversations about sex aren’t your typical sex talks. It’s all done in typical Dave And Chuck The Freak fashion. In these videos, you’ll be able to watch Dave And Chuck The Freak talk about wild sex stories, talk to sex workers, talk about toys, share some secrets, and more!
Hopefully, these hilarious videos will not only entertain you, but you might learn something, as well! If there’s any topic to familiarize yourself with, this could be the one. You don’t want to fall behind on the latest trends and happenings in the world of sex. It might not help your reputation.
Don’t follow Dave And Chuck The Freak on YouTube? You’re missing out. You can catch up on daily additions of The Peep Show and other funny content there. Don’t forget, you can also follow Dave And Chuck The Freak on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. Additionally, you can follow along with some of the show’s topics and conversations at DaveAndChuckTheFreak.com! Make sure to bookmark that page so you can always come back and catch up on the latest stories you heard on the show. Whenever you hear Dave say, “it’s up now at DaveAndChuckTheFreak.com,” it really is!
Here we go! Check out 7 Dave And Chuck The Freak Peep Show videos about sex below!
Cort Freeman was born and raised in Metro Detroit. He was named Clarkston High School 2009 Class Clown 13 years after graduating. Totally normal thing to happen. That’s thanks to his time spent as an Intern at Comedy Central and Social Media Correspondent for The Colbert Report. Cort has done comedy across the country, both standing up and sitting down. When he’s not trying to make you laugh on-air and online, he’s probably at home enjoying his favorite shows like Seinfeld, South Park, and The Office. He’s also totally uncomfortable writing about himself in the third person. Cort enjoys writing about comedy, food, sports, and entertainment. So, basically anything and everything.