Did Someone In Colorado Get Footage Of Bigfoot Taking A Dump?
Did tourists on a train in Colorado get footage of BIGFOOT?
A woman and her husband were on a popular train ride from Durango to Silverton over the weekend. While they were passing through a remote area they spotted something strange. It appeared to be an animal of some kind. Or was it?!
At the start of the video, it’s walking on two legs, and then it squats down. It’s definitely not a bear, but what is it? Some people are speculating that it’s Bigfoot! Check out the video below.
Some people on X (formerly Twitter) are saying that this is just a person messing around with tourists on the train while others believe it is in fact footage of a sasquatch. The history of Bigfoot runs deeps. There have been tons of alleged sightings over the years, but nothing to confirm its existence. According to the Washington Military Department, the legend dates back to before recorded history.
People have “spotted” Bigfoot all over the world with the majority of sightings in North America. The northwestern area of the continent seems to be a hot spot.
The debate on the legitimacy of Bigfoot continues. What’s interesting with this legend is that Bigfoot has never been caught. How is that possible? If you think about Bigfoot logically and consider the history and number of sightings, it makes no sense. Is the myth of Bigfoot a centuries long prank?
This clip above very much feels fake. In most Bigfoot sighting videos, the creature tends to vanish off screen. This one appears to be taking a rest from his journey. Could it just be a dude in a costume pranking those on the train? I hate to be a party pooper, but that seems like the most logical explanation. In the age of “going viral on the Internet” this could be an elaborate plan to get viewers online.
Whether or not you believe this was Bigfoot, there’s definitely something roaming around in Colorado. As a last tip of advice, don’t blame Bigfoot for your illegal activities like this guy did.