Nate’s Crazy Week
Have you ever wonder what goes on with us DJs when we’re not bumping killer tracks and speaking about crazy entertainment stories? Of course, we typically have somewhat normal everyday lives. However for me, the final week of July was unkind to me. I want to tell all the listeners about it to keep everyone informed! This past week has been quite jam packed for me, to say the least, from having my cats destroy my living room TV, to getting stage four blisters from building an entertainment center and attending a funeral in Tipp City, Ohio. On top of that, my longtime family dog is deathly ill and nearing the end of her life. But the weirdest event of the week? Waking up on Tuesday morning unable to put any weight on my right leg. It was a crazy week.
When I say that, of course, you would imagine something happened right? Wrong. I sat my lazy self down most of the week and engaged in no physical activity. Only standing and moving around throughout an eight-hour shift at my other job. So, it came as a shock to me when on Tuesday at 6:22 in the morning I awoke to shooting pains in my calf. My day consisted of going from one doctor’s office to another, then to urgent care and then to the hospital for blood clot tests (that came back negative). Finally, the day concluded with me having two appointments to other doctors’ offices and a possible consult with a physical therapist.
Nate’s Crazy Week
Wrapping up my leg (No pun intended)
What’s been super annoying to me is that I woke up the next day feeling completely fine and able to walk relatively pain free! Often you hear about mysterious medical cases that doctors are unable to solve or diagnose. I just really hope it’s not one of those instances or better yet I hope I’m not just crazy. Well at least not crazier than I already am! I wanted to write this story out for anyone who has had a similar situation where they randomly get injured with no known cause. Just here to let you know that you are not alone. I am well now and able to walk with no issues, I will be following up with a specialist to see what the hell is going on though.
The TV
The TV being attacked truly caused me great pain and sadness. I came home last week to my living room TV facedown on the floor with 2 felines sitting atop. Nibbling on the cords hanging from the screen. As you may imagine, this was not ideal. I immediately walked over to the fallen screen and assessed the damage. Noticing the screen actually looked fine and it was in fact the stand which holds the entire screen up that was the problem. After which I did see that there were visible claw marks on the stand which did not make me happy either. I decided to duct tape the stand back together and see if the TV still worked. A solid plan perhaps? Well, once I taped the stand back on, I plugged the TV in and immediately sparks flew. It was then I realized it was toast…

A visual recreation of my cats and their attack strategy for destroying my old TV.

Nate’s 2 deceptively mischievous cats looking cute and innocent after dismembering his beloved TV.
The Entertainment Center
Since the TV was knocked off from a desk and not a traditional entertainment center, I ultimately decided to upgrade them both at the same time. After acquiring a new TV, we decided to upgrade the entertainment center as well. I could have been smart and bought one at a store and simply moved it into my apartment. I did not do that. Instead I ordered one on amazon because I am lazy which hurt me in the long run since I had to assemble the damn thing. “Expected Assembly time 45 minutes” still haunts me. 4 hours and numerous nasty blisters later my wife and I successfully built an entertainment center that hopefully safeguards our new TV from the evil 2 lions that inhabit my apartment.

Nate looking at the mess he has created while half way through the assembly process of his new entertainment center. Surely regretting his decision not to buy an assembled piece of furniture…

My hands 4 days after assembling the entertainment center. Seeing my blisters start to heal finally.

My beautifully constructed entertainment center and new TV. You would think a carpenter with divine skills was required in order to create such a beauty.