Judas Priest Guitarist Richie Faulkner And A Ouija Board Incident From His Youth
With each interview I do, I try to capture “real” moments, where the guest kind of forgets were doing an interview. One such moment happened recently during my talk with Judas Priest guitarist, Richie Faulkner.
We were talking about Pantera, when he interrupted me. “Ya know, I was actually at a friends house doing a Ouija board when we were kids….just a short story. All of a sudden, a CD case flew across the room.” He went on “We were kind of taunting it, being rude to it, whatever. And the CD case flew across the room, it was the (Pantera) Far Beyond Driven case.” He said at that moment his friends and him had other ideas. “Maybe we shouldn’t do this anymore, ya know?”
Have you ever had an experience like that?
Speaking of which, a new episode of my Haunted Michigan series drops today. It will be on the Riff Tv tab, or check out the podcast here.