Bass Legend Billy Sheehan Talks About The Great Guitar Players He Shared The Stage With
On a recent interview with bass legend, Billy Sheehan, I asked him a question that Tyler Connelly from Theory of a Deadman gave me. It’s a very simple question, with lots of answers. The question was; who’s the best guitarist you’ve played with?
Here’s Billy on this loaded question.
“It would be tough. Yeah. Richie (Kotzen), Paul Gilbert, Steve Vai, Tony MacAlpine. Who did I leave out?” I mentioned his Sons of Apollo guitarist, Bumblefoot. “Yeah. Yeah. Amazing. Unbelievable. I think all of them are at or near the same level in a lot of ways, but they’re at some point at that altitude. It’s just a matter of personal choice.”
He did give props to his Mr. Big band mate. “It’d be tough to pick one. Paul Gilbert, what a, what an amazing, uh, phenomenon of drive to know more about music and be a better player. Not necessarily a faster player, but just to know so much more broad spectrum of music and how to handle it on instrument. Amazing.”
He went on to talk about Steve Vai, who he played with in David Lee Roth’s band. “Steve Vai. Pretty tough to, uh, , compare him to anybody. He’s really, uh, a phenomenon of nature. Like a brother to me. I love him completely. All of these guys, all, all these guys have nothing but love, uh, for all of them. Steve is quite a, uh, a phenomena. It’s, it’s unbelievable.”
You can watch the interview below. Check out my most recent interview with Steve Vai here.