Don’t Taste That Rainbow!
“Taste the Rainbow?”
You might find that rainbow tasting a little funny. According to, Skittles are in the middle of a lawsuit alleging that their candy is unfit for human consumption.
The lawsuit alleges that the levels of titanium dioxide in Skittles are a danger to those who consume the candy. Titanium dioxide has for many years, been used commonly for the coloring of food and candy. In Skittles, it gives the candy its bright color.
Mars, the company that makes Skittles, in 2016 announced its removal of artificial coloring agents in all of their food over the course of the next five years. But the lawsuit says that Mars failed to warn consumers of the dangers of ingesting even a small amount of titanium dioxide. Even a small amount could cause lesions in the liver, spleen, kidney and brain.
Six years later, titanium dioxide, or Ti02, is still in Skittles. While in Europe, Skittles are made with another recipe not involving Ti02. The FDA permits titanium dioxide in food as long as it does not exceed 1% of the overall mass. Yet, Sour Patch Kids, Swedish Fish, and Nerds are all made without this chemical.
Mars in response to this said “While we do not comment on pending litigation, our use of titanium dioxide complies with FDA regulations,”
Even Petco has removed any pet products that contain this chemical. So if we don’t want our pets to eat it, why are we? Maybe skip the Skittles for now, or live dangerously! I mean it is NATIONAL JUNK FOOD DAY!