Wayne County Announces $5.5M program to Help Homeowners with Flooding – Here’s How to Apply
Homeowners dealing with flooding and sewer damage can apply to take advantage of a new, $5.5 million flood assistance program, Wayne County announced Tuesday (Sept. 7).
Eligible residents will get grants to help pay for replacing goods, labor and insurance deductibles that stem from flood damage but aren’t covered under property insurance or FEMA.
“The flood damage was devastating for thousands of Wayne County residents,” Wayne County executive Warren C. Evans said in a statement. “Even with insurance, the unexpected cost of dealing with flood damage can negatively impact a family’s economic well-being, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This program will help fill in the gaps and help to make residents whole.”
Eligible applicants must have property located in Wayne County outside of Detroit, and that property needs to be their residence.
The flood and sewer damage also must have happened due to the June 25 to 26 weather events. Applicants must have applied to get FEMA assistance. Other stipulations apply, such as applicants needing to send in an itemized quote and/or receipt from their contractors.
To find more information and apply, head to bit.ly/waynefloodrelief. Applications need to be completed by Sept. 21, 2021.