These Two Michigan Cities Have the Best Drivers in the U.S.
When it comes to driving, Detroit and Grand Rapids have been named a few of the cities with the best drivers in the United States by QuoteWizard, a LendingTree company.
According to the study, Detroit and Grand Rapids are 7th and 10th best driving cities in the U.S., respectively.
The study looked at millions of insurance quotes from the 75 largest cities in America to come to their conclusion.
Cities rated among the worst were those with the highest rate of incidents, and the best driving cities, such as Detroit and Grand Rapids, had the lowest rate of incidents.
We’ve all seen them: the two-spot parker at the grocery store, the slow driver inching along in the fast lane, the multi-tasker sipping coffee while texting at a light that turned green long ago,” the report states at its opening. “And while every city may think that they have the worst drivers, our annual report identified which U.S. cities really do.”
Cities raked higher than Detroit include Birmingham, St. Louis, Little Rock, New Orleans, Memphis and Louisville.
View the full report here.